Alternative Payment Methods: Methods that are used as an alternative to credit card payments. It is also referred to as CNP (Card Not Present) situations. The card and single mode of payment on your checkout page will not help you, only rob you of your customers by turning them down for the payment.
Let’s take an example;
Situation 1 (Without alternative payment methods) -
So, John is on your checkout page, he has already selected your product.
He tries to pay by his credit card.
Error: Card Declined. Please contact your bank for more information.
John abandons the order and goes away.
Situation 2: (With alternate payment methods.)
John tries and retries. Failed…
The third time, his eyes spot Pay using PayPal/Amazon option and he decides to go for it.
Before you know, the payment goes through.
Your new customer is equally proportionate to more revenue.
Alternate Payment Methods | Increased Sales:
The customers just need their product they want to check out very quickly and seamlessly, due to the competition you can lose your customer if you do not have a quick gateway or alternate payment method.
Take PayPal for example, the Express Checkout feature and cutting-edge technology have gathered wide popularity for PayPal as well as the merchant. Now, PayPal has become a widely known alternate method of payment for most of the merchants.
If you have a similar question or more, get an expert at Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622 – 6875. We also provide other merchant processing services and high-risk merchant services.