Friday, June 29, 2018

Accept Credit Card Payments for Automotive Tires Stores

Mаnу tirе dеаlеrѕ аrе ѕtill doing invoicing, invеntоrу mаnаgеmеnt аnd accounting withоut thе uѕе of a роint of ѕаlе соmрlеtе business mаnаgеmеnt software solution. Chаnging to a POS саn bе frightеning and оvеrwhеlming; with thе орtiоn tо imрlеmеnt a POS nоt even соnѕidеrеd due to thе perception оf an nоn rеvеnuе соѕt item. Bаѕеd uроn оur сuѕtоmеr input аnd the personal еxреriеnсе of thе реорlе оn оur ѕtаff, we know уоu саn turn уоur рареr intо рrоfit.

Cоnѕidеr thiѕ. I believe thе mоѕt important rеаѕоn fоr уоu tо invest in POS аnd gеtting a соmрlеtе buѕinеѕѕ mаnаgеmеnt software ѕоlutiоn, iѕ Control! With POS ѕоftwаrеѕ such аѕ 
Tirе Pоwеr уоu hаvе complete control оf уоur:

Invоiсing (no miѕѕеd trаnѕасtiоn dеtаilѕ $$$)

Inventory Management (knоw inventory lеvеlѕ instantly and сrеаtе work оrdеrѕ in ѕесоndѕ $$$)

Aссоunting (real timе GL transactions, rесеivаblеѕ аnd payables $$$)

For mаnу, juѕtifуing the соѕt оf a роint оf ѕаlе ѕоftwаrе solution is shut dоwn withоut соnѕidеring thе TRUE соѕt ѕаvingѕ tо уоur bottom line. Thе easiest аnd mоѕt imроrtаnt ѕаvingѕ tо rесоgnizе is Timе! Timе saved сrеаting an invоiсе, mаnаging invеntоrу lеvеlѕ аnd ассurаtе ассоunting in rеаl time. How dо you рut a price tag оn timе? The mоrе timе уоu save bу uѕing POS with the more time уоu hаvе to ѕеll ѕеll ѕеll!

Itеmѕ nееdеd tо gеnеrаtе rеvеnuе such аѕ Tire mасhinеѕ, tооlѕ, аlignmеnt rасkѕ аnd ѕеrviсе trucks, individuаllу аrе оnlу involved in a certain percentage оf уоur total trаnѕасtiоnѕ.Pоwеrful POS аlоng with software iѕ invоlvеd in EVERY TRANSACTION EVERY DAY YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR. Nоt only еvеrу trаnѕасtiоn but еvеrу dоllаr уоur buѕinеѕѕ gеnеrаtеѕ!

The роwеrful, yet easy-to-use tооlѕ уоu nееd tо bеttеr manage аnd соntrоl уоur dеаlеrѕhiр operation оf уоur auto tirе business:

  • Intеgrаtiоnѕ with ATD, TCI, аnd mаnу other tirе аnd wheel diѕtributоrѕ across the US аnd Cаnаdа
  • Create accurate Rеоrdеr Rероrtѕ for invеntоrу rеѕtосking in juѕt ѕесоndѕ
  • Imрrоvе shop ѕаlеѕ рrоduсtivitу with роwеrful point-of-sale tооlѕ ѕuсh аѕ Vеrifоnе VX520
  • Quiсklу import suppliers’ саtаlоgѕ fоr invеntоrу ѕеt-uр аnd maintenance
  • Arе уоu a service ѕhор оr wholesaler as wеll? Mеrсhаnt Strоng hоldѕ will hеlр you manage thаt, tоо!

Nоtе: Autоmоtivе tirе stores are еxресtеd tо dо mоѕt оf their business viа terminal if thеу need a рауmеnt gаtеwау оnlinе (contact Merchant ѕtrоnghold tо knоw more about thiѕ)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Payment Processing Solutions for Motion Piсturе Theaters

BETTER POS for Mоtiоn Picture Theaters

Verifone VX520 POS hаѕ аll these сараbilitiеѕ and muсh more. This mаkеѕ it an idеаl point of ѕаlе solution for Motion Picture Thеаtеrѕ. With Verifone VX520 POS, itеmѕ саn quickly bе рut intо invеntоrу. Dеtаilѕ such аѕ the price (соѕt), dаtе rесеive, mаrk-uр, mаrgin, ԛuаntitу, and description аrе аll available fоr еасh itеm. When prospective buуеrѕ hаvе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, any infоrmаtiоn that wаѕ there оn the itеm can be easily ассеѕѕ juѕt bу ѕсаnning the рrоduсt.

Cоmрlеtе rероrtѕ are available tо rеviеw invеntоrу lеvеlѕ, invеntоrу value, sales history. Or virtually any аѕресt оf inventory and ѕаlеѕ infоrmаtiоn that is available on thе ѕtоrе роint оf ѕаlе system. In a multi-store еnvirоnmеnt, each ѕtоrе location can have “livе-timе” ассеѕѕ tо invеntоrу information from store tо ѕtоrе. Buyers that аrе looking for a ѕресifiс itеm саn bе there, whеn thаt item is рrеѕеnt аt оnе оf уоur other stores.

Thеаtrе Point of Sаlе: 3 Must-Have Fеаturеѕ

Truе оr fаlѕе: a роint оf ѕаlе ѕуѕtеm is a роint оf ѕаlе ѕуѕtеm, аnd it doesn’t mаttеr which one a mеrсhаnt happens tо choose. If уоu ѕаid “fаlѕе,” уоu’rе right. POS systems diffеr bу mаnufасturеr, thеу аlѕо diffеr in tеrmѕ оf fеаturеѕ. Sо, a роint оf sale ѕуѕtеm thаt wоrkѕ fоr one tуре оf merchant mау nоt wоrk for аnоthеr. Juѕt likе retail ѕtоrеѕ аnd restaurants, thеаtrеѕ and сinеmаѕ need Vеrifоnе VX520 роint of ѕаlе ѕуѕtеm. That iѕ dеѕignеd tо mееt thеir unique nееdѕ. Whеn ѕhоррing fоr a thеаtrе point оf ѕаlе system, look fоr thеѕе muѕt-hаvе fеаturеѕ:

Sales and Attеndаnсе Dаtа-Trасking Cараbilitiеѕ.

Distributors аnd ѕtudiоѕ (е.g., Sony, Pаrаmоunt and the likе) mandate that thеаtrе and сinеmа оwnеrѕ kеер tabs оn аnd accurately rероrt ticket ѕаlеѕ аnd revenues fоr еасh film shown аt thеir еѕtаbliѕhmеnt. Mаintаining manual rесоrdѕ tо соmрlу with ѕuсh dirесtivеѕ iѕ a timе-соnѕuming, error-prone tаѕk. A theatre роint оf ѕаlе ѕуѕtеm that саn track аnd gеnеrаtе dеtаilеd tiсkеt sales infоrmаtiоn makes thе рrосеѕѕ a ѕimрlе, fast, and consistently ассurаtе one.

The ability tо mаintаin tаbѕ on аttеndаnсе POS ѕуѕtеm аlѕо helps tо bоlѕtеr thе bоttоm line. By rеviеwing thе ԛuаntitу of tickets ѕоld fоr еасh showing, аnd thе numbеr of patrons whо attended. Yоu can determine whiсh filmѕ аrе drаwing сrоwdѕ аnd whiсh are еliсiting lеѕѕ intеrеѕt.  More information for click here – POS System

Important Questions to ask your New Credit Card Processor

You need to choose a new credit card processor. But it is not as easy as it seems, it is a big decision to make. Before making the decision, you must know it includes the fee charged and contracts. Also the customer service department and cost-effective tools available. Do the comparison, study the market and then make the final decision. Let us now discuss it further.

Fees Charged Structure 

When you select such tools, you are accused of a specific measure of the fee. Be that as it may, it is essential to know exactly what precisely those fees are, all the more generally called breakage of the fee. The truth of the matter is that high-risk merchants of the high-chance vendors have no idea about the procedure and end up paying a high amount of fee without really knowing the shrouded high markups in their valuing structure. To process the transaction, an exchange some portion of estimating structure is paid to the card issuer. Aside from this, there is an additional fee that they put on its highest point to acquire benefit. In this way, when you are applying for new credit card processor/merchant payment processor, ask for them to isolate out the exchange fee with the goal that you can have an unmistakable thought regarding how much cash they are making or charging you altogether.

Contract and Time Duration

Whenever a merchant wants to opt for a new credit card processor, he/she needs to sign a contract, which will lock you with them for certain period of time. It is important for high-risk merchants to check for options when shopping around for new processor and also to finalize the processor with shorter time duration instead of multi-year contracts. The advantage of choosing a short-term contract is:

They will work hard for your business to impress you so that you renew the contract instead of shopping for new credit card processor or merchant payment processor once the contract expires. If you end up signing a multi-year contract, you will soon be forgotten and ignored and service quality provided may deteriorate.

Customer Service Department

Efficient and knowledgeable customer service department is like icing on the cake. Get the opinion of the current customers of the credit card processor. Also, find out about their experiences with the customer service department. Look for the processor whose,

Support representatives are knowledgeable and can tackle any kind of issue if arises. Call waiting time is minimum Support representative should be able to resolve issues in the first call and in shortest time duration.

What is Customer Bolster Accessible? 

At long last, don't be talked into renting a terminal, which is where customer swipes their cards to pay. Hinke says he has seen fledgling dealers rent a terminal for as much as $139 every month when obtaining one would just cost amongst $200 and $350. On the off chance that you choose to purchase. If you have any question in your mind, you can ask us. Click for more information related Credit Card Payment.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Credit Card Acceptance for E-Commerce Businesses

The answer for “how to get the access of payment gateway and accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover” in simple words is, the business needs to establish a Merchant Account. But, this doesn’t the only solution as Merchant Account, is just the service that is provided by the banks that will help to accept the electronic mode of payment. Businesses can choose between the elaborate array of collections banks from across the world have ACH, Check Processing, Credit Card Acceptance, Point of Sale System, etc.

The choice of services sometimes creates a lot of confusion for business owners to choose the perfect services according to their business type and what are the exact requirements for the application of the Merchant Account. For the ease of business owners Merchant Stronghold, with their industrial experiences can help them to choose from the perfect option according to their business. For the application of Merchant Account the business owners need few of the basic documents:

A letter that is specified with the details and nature of the business, Fulfillment Agreements, DBAs etc
Articles of Incorporation of the business, Tax documents etc, Fictitious filings etc
Address and ID proof of the owner(s). If the physical address of the business exists the proof of that also needs to be attached with the application. Utility Bill and Passport recommended.
Personal and/or Business Bank Statements, Tax returns are important. This provides financial strength and stability to the business.

Merchant Stronghold can help businesses to establish the Merchant Account and provide a gateway terminal to accept payments across the world. One thing that comes while collecting the payment of through electronic methods is the customers have the right to dispute the transaction if they are not satisfied with the merchant’s service they directly contact to the bank for the amount that the customer paid for the product or service that leads to Chargeback. Merchant Stronghold will help businesses to fight such situations with all the legal documentation about which businesses many times are unaware.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Reliable Online Payment Solution for Training and Coaching Businesses

Five trades of a best online payment system

You want to gain additional income and want your customers to be happy? Mobile commerce is one way to do that. You can accept payment on android, tablet, and iPhone.

A system that makes sure your customers are rightly billed.

Payment gateway capable of establishing money reserve for expansion, emergencies, and retirement without hurdles.

There won’t be painful solutions for the training and coaching business. Your cash flow will be improved and you will be able to resolve customer issues.
There will be the end to the waste of time and frustrating options.

These are some of the unique features that you are going to get. Our payment systems are recommended by many merchants who are dominating their industries. Some of the key products of merchant stronghold can also be been seen in specific industries.

Better Solution for Merchants

Our payment solution is up to date, reliable, fast, and secure. It doesn’t matter which business you are running, you can trust us. Merchant Stronghold’s online payment system can make your operation smoother. We have award-winning services and experienced professionals who can settle a payment method that fits your business.

By using our online payment solution, you get more than just a way to process transactions. Our services can add value to your training and coaching business, and help you generate revenue. With our help, your brand will certainly get more exposure and you will be able to satisfy your customers. Here are some of the key factors that we focus upon:

Fast Transactions for your business: We can provide a system that will accept payments fast and instant.

Reliable uptime: A highly stable online payment system that guarantees you protection so that your business can progress.

Data security: You can rest easy because there are quality tools and secure architecture that will keep frauds away from your business.

Value-added services: You don’t have to stick with one payment solution, features such as mobile payments and others can also be provided under a reasonable budget.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Currency in England,Wales - Understanding the British Pound Money

The UK’s Bank of England. British Pound includes such as Quid, Nicker, Cable, Sterling.

Importance of the British Pound

The British Pound is the oldest currency still in use today, as well as one of the most commonly converted currencies. The Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, and Saint Helena are all pegged at par to the GBP.

British Pound Notes and the Gold Standard

The first paper notes were introduced in 1694. The Bank of England, one of the first central banks in the world, was established a year later, in 1695. All Sterling notes were handwritten until 1855 when the bank began to print whole notes. In the early 20th century, more countries began to tie their currencies to gold. The strength of the Sterling that came with the gold standard led to a period of major economic growth in Britain until 1914.

The British Pound and the Sterling Area

The British Pound was not only used in Great Britain but also circulated through the colonies of the British Empire. However, as the British economy started to decline the US Dollar grew in dominance. In 1940, the Pound was pegged to the US Dollar at a rate of 1 Pound to $4.03 US Dollars and many other countries followed, by pegging their respective currencies. In 1949, the Pound was devalued by 30% and a second devaluation followed in 1967.

Currency Facts GBP Stats Name: British Pound Symbol: £ Penny: p Minor Unit : 1/100 = penny Central Bank Rate: 0.50 Top GBP Conversion : GBP/EUR Top GBP Chart : GBP/EUR Chart GBP Profile Inflation : 0.50% Nicknames: Pound Sterling, Sterling, Quid, Nicker Coins: Freq Used: £1, £2, 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p Rarely Used: £100 Banknotes : Freq Used: £5, £10, £20, £50 Rarely Used: £100 Central Bank : Bank of England Website: Users: United Kingdom (UK), England, Northern Ireland.

If you’re searching for any kind of information about currency and You’re in the right place. To get more information British Pound Currency

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Australian Dollar - Fifth Most Exchanged Currency in the World

Overview Australian Dollar

The Australian Dollar is known as a stock currency due to its substantial raw metal commodities. Australian Dollar, it is the fifth most exchanged currency in the world. AUS become a floated currency in 1983. In 1984, the Australian one-dollar coin was added and in 1988 the two-dollar coin was introduced. In 2006, the 1-cent and 2-cent coins were stopped and taken out of the rotation. Australia has made particular edition coins and notes to commemorate events, like the Commonwealth Games of 1982 Australia.

Australia’s state currency is the AUS dollar ($) which comes in notes denominations of $5 to $100 notes.
Australia’s state currency is the AUS dollar ($) which comes in Coins denominations of $1 to 50C

The Australian Doller currency code of dollar is (AUD) and currency code of Sign is ($) is the Currency of Australia, our currency rankings show that the most popular Australia Dollar exchange rate is the USD to AUD rate. Including its outside nations Holiday Island, Keeling Islands, and Norfolk Island, as well as the free Pacific island nations of Kiribati, Nauru, Papua, New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. in Australia, it is almost always abbreviated with the dollar sign ($), With A$ or Au$ seldom used to identify it from other dollar-denominated money. it is divided into 100 moneys.

Importance Facts for Currency Banknote:

AUS Stats name: Australian Dollar
Australian Symbol and Cent: Sign ($), Cent (C)
Authority: Reserve Bank of Australia

Know About Economy of Australian Dollar

Australia has a strongly developed and established modern economy. Australia was rated the 13th biggest economy by GDP in 2011. Australia ‘s economy relies on the service industry, which contributes 60% of the total GDP.

Currency Facts
AUD Stats Name: Australian Dollar Symbol: $ Cent: c Minor Unit: 1/100 = Cent Central Bank Rate: 1.50 Top AUD Conversion: AUD/GBP Top AUD Chart: AUD/GBP Chart AUD Profile Inflation: 1.40% Nicknames: Buck, Dough Coins: Freq Used: $1, $2, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c Banknotes: Freq Used: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Central Bank: Reserve Bank of Australia Website: Users: Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Merchant Stronghold Acceptance Multiple Currency

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What is Significance of the U.S. Dollar?

The US national bank is known as the Federal Reserve Bank (usually alluded to as “The Fed”). The USD is the most exchanged cash in the forex showcase and can be matched with all other significant monetary forms. USD Currencies known as the bones, green, greenback, dead presidents, buck.

US Dollar Significance

The US Dollar is the most ordinarily changed over cash on the planet and is frequently utilized as a benchmark in the Forex showcase. As the prevailing worldwide save money, it is held by almost every national bank on the planet. Also, the Dollar is utilized as the standard money in the ware advertise and hence directly affects product costs.

Dollarization of the USD

Because of its worldwide acknowledgment, a few nations like Panama and Ecuador utilize the USD as an authority legitimate delicate, a training known as dollarization. For different nations, the Dollar is an acknowledged option type of installment, however not an official cash for the nation. Numerous monetary forms are pegged to the US Dollar:

Silver and Gold Standard in the US

For quite a long time, the United States endeavored to make a bimetallic standard, beginning by embracing a silver standard in light of the Spanish Milled Dollar in 1785. Be that as it may, silver coins soon left course ending up totally suspended by 1806. At this point, most nations had just started to institutionalize exchanges by embracing the highest quality level, implying that any paper cash could be reclaimed by the administration for its incentive in gold. The Bretton-Woods framework was embraced by most nations to set the trade rates for all monetary forms as far as gold. Since the United States held the majority of the world’s gold, numerous nations essentially pegged the estimation of their money to the Dollar. National banks kept up settled trade rates between their monetary standards and the Dollar, transforming the US Dollar into the true money of the world. In 1973, the US at last decoupled the estimation of the Dollar from gold totally.

Currency Facts 

USD Stats Name : US Dollar Symbol : $ Cent: ¢ Minor Unit : 1/100 = Cent Central Bank Rate : 0.75 Top USD Conversion : USD/EUR Top USD Chart : USD/EUR Chart USD Profile Inflation : 1.30% Nicknames : greenback, buck, green, dough, smacker, bones, dead presidents, scrillas, paper Coins : Freq Used: 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢ Rarely Used: $1, 50¢ Banknotes : Freq Used: $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Rarely Used: $2 Central Bank : Federal Reserve Bank Website: Users : United States, America, American Samoa,
If you get more information click here - Multiple Currency

Monday, June 18, 2018

E-commerce Payment Processing Benefits for your Business

This is the digital age, so most businesses know the importance of accepting electronic payment, especially if they are leveraging the e-commerce space. PayPal is often a go-to choice, but what if a customer prefers something else? What if there is a processing solution that works better for your business than others? Here are a few payment processors that can help improve revenue and customer experiences.


Stripe manages tens of billions of dollars every day, so as many as half of American residents paid via Stripe in the past year did so without knowing—they even recently partnered with Amazon. If you are a business owner looking for something flexible with carefully designed APIs (the software is easily customizable to fit your needs), Stripe is worth considering.

Deluxe eChecks

Deluxe eChecks are also beneficial for business payments, too. If you need to pay vendors, suppliers, or employees while simultaneously streamlining operations, electronic checks are a viable answer. You can even send them from your phone and save time on administrative tasks.


One of the benefits of cryptocurrency is that it relies on blockchain technology. The blockchain is a public ledger that records all transactions and displays them transparently and immutably, removing the need for third-party verifiers. The system is a peer-to-peer network, so you can always see your payment histories, and its decentralized nature (meaning information is stored along multiple “nodes” instead of in centralized servers) discourages cyber hacks and double spending.


Due does not charge transaction or monthly fees, making it an affordable option. It easily integrates into existing business operations, so you do not have to strain yourself in an effort to make it fit.

Why Integrate Different Payment Methods?

Let’s also address something important: why offering different or multiple payment solutions is necessary. When businesses partake in online commerce, they open themselves up to markets all over the world. In-person shopping will always have an essential economic and cultural place, but if you are a small business in the U.S. and someone in Morocco is interested in your product or service, why not humor them?

Basic cash and credit card payments are not going to suffice anymore. Consumers appreciate speed and ease, so businesses need to accommodate the changing attitudes that accompany advances in technology.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Visa Process Smoother and Faster for Entrepreneurs

The new visa route, devised with Brexit in mind, is intended to make the visa process smoother and faster for entrepreneurs and was introduced by home secretary Sajid Javid this week during London Tech Week. It will be launched in Spring 2019.

“We want to do more to attract businesses to the UK and our migration system plays a key part in that,” Javid said. “This will help to ensure we continue to attract the best global talent and maintain the UK’s position as a world-leading destination for innovation and entrepreneurs.” The new start-up visa scheme will need applicants to have an endorsement from a UK university or approved UK-based business sponsor, including start-up accelerators.

The cost of the visa and any cap has not yet been decided but a Home Office spokesman said: “This visa will replace the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa route, which was only open to graduates, so opening that route up to a wider pool. The cap on that was 2,000 per year and we do not expect the cap on this to be less than that.”

Antony Walker, deputy CEO, tech UK, UK’s technology trade body, said: “The new startup visas are a sensible move to encourage those with good ideas to come to the UK. However, for many mid-tier and larger tech companies, there remain serious concerns around Tier 2 visas. We understand that approximately 1,000 tech workers with job offers were refused visas between December 2017 and March 2018. This is a handbrake on economic growth and needs to be urgently addressed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Which are the Best High Risk Merchant Services in 2018 for Small Businesses

Therefore for a business to keep its competitive edge, you need to offer the options for payment that your customers prefer, and that is debit and credit cards.

As a business, accepting cards for payment is streamlined by setting up a merchant account. A merchant account acts as an intermediary to navigate the complexities of payment processing and ensures that you receive funds as quickly as possible, and helps avoid your business is the victim of a scam.

Let’s take a look at the best merchant services available to bring your business up to speed to accept payments.

1. Payline

A suite of services for the small business
Payline is a merchant service that promises to make it easy to accept credit card payments and offers a variety of plans to suit each business's needs. They offer a variety of services including mobile, online, in-store, enterprise and integrated payments, and also offers Payline Medical for the healthcare field, and business loans as well.
Payline offers a Payline Gateway, that can be used as a plugin on a business website to accept payments, and also a ‘virtual terminal,’ that is used to manually enter payments received over the phone or through the mail.

2. Payment Depot

Payment Depot allows the small business owner to become a member, and then offers wholesale rates to its club of members. For the monthly fee, the higher plans even include credit card reading equipment. Payment Depot is trusted by such notable businesses as Subway, Sprint and Domino's Pizza.

3. Flagship Merchant Services

Flagship Merchant Services is a full-service provider. It offers a month to month contract that can be canceled at any time. In addition, each account includes a dedicated account representative and online reports that can be imported into accounting software. For bricks and mortar retail the firm offers a free credit reader, and for online transactions, it includes shopping card setup for your business website.

4. PayPal Merchant Services

PayPal Merchant Services is the business version of the ubiquitous online transaction tool. It features secure transactions that PayPal is known for including fraud protection and risk modeling, a customer service team, and allows a variety of payment methods including mobile and in-store credit cards. Logically, it also provides support for acceptance of PayPal from the 200 million account holders.

Square Payments Processing is a merchant service designed to accept “every payment.” It will attract smaller and new businesses starting out with its promise of quick setup, no long-term contracts, and no monthly fees.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How to Credit Card Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Could Double?

Credit Card APRs are ridiculously high, averaging 16.75 percent, according to the latest data from Credit Cards (That’s a record high, by the way.) But make a payment misstep, and you could face almost double that astronomical rate for months afterward.

If you’re more than 60 days late on your minimum credit card payment, your issuer may apply a “penalty APR,” which can reach as high as 29.99 percent, according to Credit Karma. This higher rate can be applied to your current and future balances for six months.

When six months have passed, your creditor is required to reevaluate your rates, per Credit. If you’ve made all your payments on-time during those months, you should hopefully have your rate returned to normal.

To find out what your issuer charges, read through your card’s terms and conditions. Not every card applies the penalty—Chase, Citi and Discover offer cards with no penalty APR, according to LendEu—though many do, and those without penalties will likely have stricter requirements. Make sure your payments are on time (or early) by either automating them or setting a calendar reminder when your bill is due.

You need to make at least the minimum payment in order to keep your baseline APR, though you should aim to pay off your entire bill each month so you don’t fall into debt. For help on that, check out some of our debt resources.

Today Lower of Credit Card Processing Fees

United Thinkers, a New-York based commercial open-source Payment Management Software provider has released guidelines for merchants and payment facilitators that want to improve their current transaction processing terms.

United Thinkers published a manual, providing guidance for companies that are not satisfied by fees, that they currently pay for processing credit cards and other electronic payments. Is your company in a similar situation? Maybe, you think that your current processing arrangement is not that bad, but processing fees seem a little too high, especially if your transaction processing volume is large and growing. Or, perhaps, transaction processing fees themselves are fine, but if you add tokenization, gateway, and other fees to them, the amount looks rather significant. Possibly, having carefully analyzed your overall transaction processing-related you realize that it is much larger than you initially thought because of some hidden fees that you have just identified. If any of these statements are relevant for your case, then the guidelines are for you. 

In the document United Thinkers experts describe the most frequently used strategies that their customers resort to in order to analyze and reduce their transaction processing costs. They identify the mistakes that people make and explain why many of the common strategies are inefficient. The commonly implemented intuitive strategy involves either negotiating better terms with the current processing partner or looking for a new processor that can offer better terms. However, these approaches often do not result in desired savings. The guidelines explain the reasons for this phenomenon and list the disadvantages of the commonly used approaches. They provide a better framework to properly understand what your true processing cost is. The document includes useful suggestions on how you can identify all of the aspects that contribute to the cost of processing and provide effective overall cost reduction strategies, focusing on each particular cost item.

Particularly, the guidelines authors describe the strategy of processing cost reduction through processing consolidation. United Thinkers successfully uses the strategy to improve the situation for its large-size corporate clients through the implementation of UniPay Gateway technology in the already existing payment ecosystems. 

"Many of the companies we are working with are not satisfied with pricing terms of their existing processing relationships. So we feel that we had to do something about it. Our new processing cost reduction guidelines are based on our rich experience of helping clients to establish successful processing relationships. They allow the readers to address the issue of processing cost reduction in a broader and smarter way," says United Thinkers president, Eugene Kipnis. "The key to actual savings is not necessarily the reduction of processing cost itself. Sometimes it might be beneficial to take a closer look at other cost items, such as indirect or opportunity costs.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Accepting Online Payment Gateway Considerations

Thinking of accepting payments online? Great idea. Online shopping is a booming industry across the globe and U.S.
To get started, you’ll need to select a payments-gateway provider to integrate with your current payment system, build your online shopping cart and process your customers’ online payments similarly to how payments are processed in-store.

But with so many payments gateway providers to choose from, finding the one for your business can be overwhelming and confusing.

Here are the top nine things you should consider before making a selection:

1. Your Customers' Experience
It’s common knowledge within the payments industry that offering your customers more ways to pay creates a better customer experience. Great customer experiences lead to repeat customers, which often leads to referred business. Adding an online element is a great step towards creating a positive experience in your customers’ minds.

2. Technology and Functionality

Speaking of customer experience, you want to make sure your gateway provider can support the types of functionality (e.g., reporting, emailed receipts) that best suit your business and appeal to your customers. Easy integration is key. Your gateway provider should offer the flexibility that allows you to do business today AND as your business grows in the future. Look for a provider that is constantly developing new ways to elevate user experience and ease of use.

3. Your Business Location and Incorporation

Where your business is located and where your provider is located can make a difference in how you incorporate your business, which is what most gateway providers will ask you. This means there are a different set of incorporation rules for a U.S. business seeking processing service from a gateway provider in the U.K., and vice versa. It’s important to know those details ahead of time to get you accepting online payments quicker.

4. Your Business Model, Products, and Services

The type of business you have is just as important as the type of gateway provider you choose. Some payments processors don’t support businesses and services that are considered “high risk.” Before you make a selection, save yourself some time by making sure the payments processor you choose doesn’t put your business in that category.

Examples of high-risk industries are:

Gaming, Gambling, Dating, Travelling

5. Pricing, Fees and Service Value
6. Technical and Customer Support
7. Payments Security
8. Getting Paid and Reserve
9. Recommendations From Peers
If you get more information related Payment Gateway and Merchant Account visit website – Merchant Stronghold

Friday, June 8, 2018

What will be the Next Steps to Exploring the Future of Credit Card Processing?

Credit cards are the future of payments. More and more people are opting for credit or debit cards as they are readily available and you can carry as much as you want with as much money as you have in your wallet.

If you take a look in most shops, you’ll find that almost all of them have credit card processing machines. It’s much easier to simply swipe your credit card, pay for the goods, and leave. This is especially true for people at the cash register and even accountants because every payment gets processed and all of that information is available at all times. Anyway, let’s see what the future of credit card processing will bring us!

Virtual Terminals

In short, virtual terminals are online POS machines. POS machines are Point-Of-Sale machines which are used to process credit card payments. Virtual terminals are programmed in such a way that they usually accept most credit and debit cards, as well as access from all web browsers. They are most often hosted on the service provider’s servers. Virtual terminals are great because they can speed up payment by a significant margin.

Point-Of-Sale credit card processing has been around for a long time. However, it is constantly evolving and improving. POS works by processing credit cards and giving out invoices to customers (which isn’t always required). Even though there are various, more modern methods of processing credit cards, POS systems will most likely stay for a few more decades in the very least.

EMV Chip Readers

About 5 years ago, no credit card or debit card had an EMV chip on it. Nowadays, however, almost all major card providers are switching to EMV chips. Several security breaches are what caused this change. EMV chip cards are more secure than regular cards because of the computer chip that exists on them. EMV chip readers read these chips. You might have seen small, metal squares on new credit cards – those are the EMV chips. Before the change from magnetic strips to EMV chips is finalised, most first generation credit cards will be equipped with EMV chips and magnetic strips because EMV chip readers aren’t available everywhere yet.

Payment Gateways

Payment gateways are merchant services that an e-commerce application service provider provides to direct payment processes for online retailers, e-businesses, bricks, and clicks, etc. They are also used for authorising credit cards. Payment gateways were particularly useful for High-Risk merchants because most banks don’t want to work with these merchants and they have to find an alternative. A high-risk payment gateway is great in this case because it offers credit card processing and authorisation without having to go through the hassle of contacting a bank and requesting services.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Can Refunds On Merchant Account Lower Chargebacks?

Difference between a Refund and a Chargeback
Most of us often get confused between these two terms and usually think that these two are one of the same things. But that is not true. For refund, customer contacts the business where as for charge back, customer instead of going directly to the business contacts the bank that is managing the merchant account of that particular business and asks them to remove that charge from the merchant bank account. Further, bank enquires about the request and if found valid, removes the charge from merchant account and returns it to the customer.

How Refund Can Help
If a customer is not happy with the product or has received wrong product, he/she can either ask for a refund or a chargeback. In case of refund, business simple sends the money back to the customer directly to his/her bank account through which the payment was made. But that is not the case in chargeback. In chargeback, the issuer bank refunds the money to the customer from merchant account if the complaint is proven correct. Issuer bank not only refunds the amount from Online merchant account but also charges a good amount of penalty/fee to the merchant. This fee can vary from bank to bank. But in case, the complaint is found to be fraudulent, refund will not be generated and the issuer bank could charge an additional fee.

How Chargeback affects your Business
Chargeback is not what you would want to get involved with, as there stands the risk of losing both, the product sold and its amount along with the additional chargeback penalty. This will come as a big loss to the business. The merchant account that receives too many chargebacks will be labeled as fraudulent by the Credit Card Company and will damage the image of your business as well as affect your business in near future.

Nowadays, banks also take chargeback seriously and the main reason for this is their ‘win-win situation’. Bank imposes fee for chargeback, and have the authority to hold back merchant’s payment for a particular time span to cover the fraud and increase their commission, especially if you hold a high-risk account. So for any business it is advisable to have a refund policy else you have to deal with chargebacks.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Some Tips You Can Use to Create High-Risk Online Business

Popular products
Inform your clients about the products and services you offer and what sets them apart. This will give you a better distinction between the rests of the competition. It will also help your company to be recognized as user-friendly. 

Know your target market
People will not rush to your website without attracting it. Knowing the complexity of your target market plays a crucial role in marketing your product effectively. If you have a large clientele, then you must understand their interest and their fascination. This will allow you to attract better attention.

Create a friendly and lively website
We all know that everything that is presented visually is better than just selling it by word of mouth. Therefore, it is vital that you create a website that attracts the visual wishes of your customers. Easy-to-use add-ons, easy-to-use content, maximize ad space and more. The possibilities are endless when it comes to decorating your website.

Online marketing

The best way to stay in the market is to promote products. Understand the ideas you will create to make your business recognizable in the technology-driven world. You can seek the services of the8figuredreamlifestyle as they will help you understand well on marketing your products. Traditional marketing is a thing of the past. You need the power of technology to help you achieve success online. A promotion like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and many more will help you increase the number of people who want to visit your website and get more traffic. Select your product and market it on popular marketing websites. And he is also promoting it on his site.

Try and failure
It’s an old business issue, but it still works in any business. As we all know, having a company is always a matter of taking risks, but the key is to be smart in any decision you make, as it will cause your business to break or break. The online world has too many competitors and being on top is hard work.

Remember that all online businesses can start small and unrecognized, but with the right tools and the best people to train and teach you the online world language, you will thrive as much as any business person who has started small but it made it big. The power is in your hands today.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Payment Gateway Market Focuses On Companies, Opportunities, Market Size & Forecast 2022

The research report studies the Payment Gateways market on the basis of several criteria, including type, application, and geography to provide a better understanding to the readers. The overall supply chain of the market has been explained in detail, which includes statistical information and special emphasis on various upstream and downstream elements.

Get your queries resolved from an industry expert. You have any reasonable time, you can contact and ask - Payment Gateway Market Experts

The report also sheds light on the current trends related to the demand, supply, and sales of Payment Gateways, along with the recent developments in the field. The report includes tools such as Porter’s five force analysis and market attractiveness analysis. Through these tools, the report sheds light on the bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, the degree of competition, and the measure of the potential of each regional market.

The scope of the Report:
This report focuses on the Payment Gateways in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type, and application.

payment gateway is an e-commerce application that authorizes payments for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks, and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar businesses. It transmits Transaction information to Acquiring Banks and responses from Issuing Banks (such as whether a transaction is approved or declined). In other words, the transaction flows through the payment gateway, to the payments ecosystem, and should it be approved, will eventually make its way into the merchant account.

Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers

North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers

PayPal Stripe Amazon Payments WorldPay Adyen CCBill 2Checkout First Data SecurePay PayU MOLPay Paymill GMO Alipay Tenpay Ping++

Market Segment by Type, covers
Online Mode
Offline Mode

Monday, June 4, 2018

Real Time MasterCard Account Updater Service Globally Launch By Adyen


Adyen the payments platform of choice for many of the world's leading companies, today announced its direct API integration with the Mastercard® Account Updater service. Qualified merchants processing with Adyen globally can now increase revenue from card-on-file payments by automatical ly updating Mastercard accounts in real time.

"The subscription economy is experiencing massive growth, with 100% increase year-over-year for the last five years1. Beyond digital services, Adyen is seeing a strong uptake in physical products like cosmetics, fashion and bicycles now offered as a subscription service. Payments are a critical touchpoint for ensuring uninterrupted service for customers and sustained revenue for merchants," said Roelant Prins, the chief commercial officer at Adyen. "Adyen, together with Mastercard's Account Updater, is focused on making the highest number of payments succeed by automatically updating card data at the point of transaction, preventing involuntary card declines due to expired or replaced cards."

The direct API connection helps to prevent card declines due to account changes caused by expiration dates or new replacement card numbers, among other reasons. Microsoft and Twitter are among Adyen's merchants using the Mastercard Account Updater service.

Adyen's use of the Mastercard Account Updater API can be activated instantly with no merchant integration required. Adyen also provides merchants extensive live performance data including authorization rate impact by issuing bank and decline code. 

"Today's consumers have their card information stored at multiple online stores and in the event, the card gets replaced, it is an inconvenience to remember and update the card details at all the stores," said Johan Gerber, executive vice president of security and decision products at Mastercard. "As the first payments platform to use our Account Updater API, Adyen is giving merchants a powerful tool to provide a better, seamless consumer shopping experience by automatically updating the details."

Adyen is the payments platform of choice for many of the world's leading companies, providing a modern end-to-end infrastructure connecting directly to Visa, Mastercard, and consumers' globally preferred payment methods. Adyen delivers frictionless payments across online, mobile, and in-store channels. With offices across the world, Adyen serves customers including Facebook, Uber, Netflix, Spotify, Casper, Bonobos and L'Oreal.
Also, Read - Merchant Account - Payment Gateway 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Reliable way to open your High Risk Offshore Merchant Account

Merchant Stronghold is the best way for the High-Risk Offshore merchant account. It is working fast processing system. How to Choose Merchant Stronghold!

Merchant Stronghold is well known for its services and fast processing system for a High-risk offshore merchant account. We have been voted #1 High-Risk merchant service provider in the year 2015 and 2016. If you are looking for offshore account for your high-risk business, you have reached the right place. We provide hassle-free all-in-one merchant account that includes everything that a high-risk offshore merchant requires to process successfully, which includes:

  • Debit card processing
  • Credit card processing
  • ACH
  • Payment gateways
  • Chargeback management services

Merchant Stronghold also provides facilities that make accepting payment way easier, these facilities are:

  • POS machine service
  • Virtual terminal
  • Online setup

Why choose Merchant Stronghold

Merchant Stronghold is in the market since long and has maintained good repo by providing best services to our clients. Our commitment to excellence drives our interactions with clients, customers and each other which helped us in attaining 100% customer satisfaction rate. Following are the things that make our service better than the other players in the market:

Integrity, trust, and honesty are the foundation of everything we do as a company. We look for health and long-term relationship with our clients and not just looking for the one-time sale.

We operate as a team, sharing experiences, resources, and opportunities. We help others when they need it and ask for help when needed. As a team, we along with our clients, workout for best solution which not only meets all the current needs but also meets the need of near future.

We make every effort to translate creative and unique ideas into services, products, or processes that create value. We have a well knowledgeable and creative team which works hard to come up with new and better solutions all the time, depending on the requirement of our client.

We foster an environment where all associates’ voices are heard and everyone is encouraged to share their opinions. We work as a team and appreciate active participation of all our employees, encourage new ideas and irrespective of their designation, value their opinion. Not only with our team but we also respect any valuable suggestion from our client.

We are responsible to each other, to our clients/customers and to ourselves to do the right thing. ‘Product sold’ is not our aim. We take responsibility for each and every service we provide and have a team on standby mode 24*7, 365 days to helps our clients with any issue they are facing.

We expertise in our service and are capable of getting same day approval that includes gateway integration, which makes it possible for our clients to accept payments faster without wasting time be standing in a big queue.

We have successfully maintained a good relationship with most of the major banks in the home country as well as abroad. Hence, if you are looking for the offshore merchant account for your high-risk business, we are just a call away.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Visa Issues in UK and Europe - Card Problems Payment System Go Down

The Visa payment system has crashed, leaving some people unable to buy things or complete transactions.

Even shoppers not using Visa have been unable to make purchases because the network provides payment systems for a range of shops and financial institutions.

Customers have reported arriving at tills to have their cards declined. Retailers say they have been left unable to take payments in shops, bars, and other outlets, forcing them to resort to only taking cash or not making sales at all.

The payments look to customers like they are being declined, in the same way as when a card has insufficient funds. But the issues are actually a consequence of the global network of payments run by Visa.

Visa users received messages telling them there is a "disruption of service", meaning payment providers are unable to receive or send money.
A range of different banks and other financial institutions use Visa's payment system, meaning that even transactions using non-Visa branded cards could be affected by the problem.

The issues have been described as intermittent, and some payments over the Visa network do still appear to be going through. Cash withdrawals do appear to be functioning.

A statement from Visa suggested that it didn't yet know the cause of the outage.
  • “Visa is currently experiencing a service disruption," it read.
  • "This incident is preventing some Visa transactions in Europe from being processed.
  • "We are investigating the cause and working as quickly as possible to resolve the situation.